Cosmopolitan Magazine Feb 2011 (D.I.Y. Skincare)
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
Newspaper Shooting (Chinese New Year)
Chinese New Year is the most important of the Chinese holidays. There are lots of preparations to do before Chinese New Year. People will spend a fortune to buy presents, decoration, material, food, and clothing. The Chinese New Year tradition is a great way to reconcile and bring happiness for everyone. I was invited to share my tips of all these preparation works, and this would be featured on a Hong Kong newspaper.
(Below are some of the snapshots)
臨近農曆新年,市面不少店舖已擺滿各種賀年產品,不少市民都外出辦年貨。 今天獲一份報紙邀請分享心得,以下是一些側拍。
Thursday, January 20, 2011
A special gift less than US$10
A special gift less than US$10
This delightful little gift set contains four yummy pots of juicy and creamy lip gloss styled in the shape of your favourite patisserie pleasures. With four utterly scrumptious flavours and sweet matching pot design you will be lip smackingly gorgeous in no time! 1 x Raspberry Cream gloss 1 x Cream Tart gloss 1 x Strawberry Cream gloss 1 x Chocolate Cream Puff gloss
非常可愛的唇彩! 以西餅甜點作外型- 紅桑子塔, 忌廉塔士, 朱古力塔和多啤梨塔。配合不同唇彩顏色和香味, 眞的很吸引!
This delightful little gift set contains four yummy pots of juicy and creamy lip gloss styled in the shape of your favourite patisserie pleasures. With four utterly scrumptious flavours and sweet matching pot design you will be lip smackingly gorgeous in no time! 1 x Raspberry Cream gloss 1 x Cream Tart gloss 1 x Strawberry Cream gloss 1 x Chocolate Cream Puff gloss
非常可愛的唇彩! 以西餅甜點作外型- 紅桑子塔, 忌廉塔士, 朱古力塔和多啤梨塔。配合不同唇彩顏色和香味, 眞的很吸引!
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
Instant Wrinkle Fillers
Instant Wrinkle Fillers
As many of you know, Restylane adds volume to help restore youthful contours and smooth away facial wrinkles by injecting versatile gel to the treated area.
Some people prefer noninvasive anti-aging skincare products as opposed to injectables fillers. There are products claim to have instant wrinkle filling result.
眾所週知注射透明質酸是最快捷填補皺紋方法, 但有很多人不太喜歡這種侵入性的方式。以下兩種保養品有模擬效果。
StriVectin Instant Deep Wrinkle Filler (7% Concentrate)
It's a proprietary combination of natural agents designed to reduce the appearance of both deep wrinkles and fine lines. Apply it directly to "problem areas" such as the deep creases between your eyebrows, at the corners of your eyes, around the lips, and along the folds between your nose and mouth. You can immediately see a visible difference because the gel-like texture fills in the wrinkles and folds. It plumps the skin so that the lines are less noticeable. It may not be too appropriate to put foundation or powder onto the face after using this product, the sticky residue may leave your makeup uneven.
When I check out the ingredient list of this filler, there is a high percentage of gum used in this product. No wonder the texture is so much like a glue and provide a binding effect on wrinkles.
這支深度去皺霜/瞬間無痕膠能讓肌膚看起來更加柔滑細緻和緊實,讓細紋不明顯。蘊含多種活膚植物精萃,令肌膚變得柔滑、細緻和有彈性。當我翻看它的成份表, 發現當中使用的膠質比例很重, 所以有封鎖/ 黏貼的效果, 令細紋立刻變得不太明顯。不適合用後化粧, 會令粧容不均勻。
Estee Lauder Perfectionist Targeted Deep Wrinkle Filler
This concentrated treatment helps skin to amplify its natural production of redensifying collagen with concentrated levels of Peptides. It gives you the power to fill, smooth and help reduce the look of fine lines and wrinkles. The texture of this products is totally different from StriVectin Instant Deep Wrinkle Filler. It is a highly concentrated cream to make fine lines less noticeable. Please try not to put foundation or powder after using this wrinkle filler, this may leave your makeup uneven and flaky.
這支智慧多元平紋急救筆是非常濃縮保養品,能立即改善所有類型的深層紋路包括微笑紋、深層抬頭紋、眉頭紋以及眼周與唇周細紋。豐厚的質地能填補皺紋,使肌膚更為平滑。此外,亦具胜肽促進細胞和膠原蛋白增生。不太適合用後化粧, 會令粧容不均勻。若要粧容均勻, 除非使用份量極少以及再塗上一層乳液作遮隔。
The highly concentrated texture of both products refines texture of the skin and visibly softens fine lines temporarily by covering up the problematic areas. It actually takes time for the main ingredients such as peptides
to target on the wrinkles.
以上的兩種產品之所以達到即時去皺效果全因掩眼法, 若要有真正效果必須要持之以恆, 讓產品內的主要去皺成份慢慢發揮功效。
As many of you know, Restylane adds volume to help restore youthful contours and smooth away facial wrinkles by injecting versatile gel to the treated area.
Some people prefer noninvasive anti-aging skincare products as opposed to injectables fillers. There are products claim to have instant wrinkle filling result.
眾所週知注射透明質酸是最快捷填補皺紋方法, 但有很多人不太喜歡這種侵入性的方式。以下兩種保養品有模擬效果。
StriVectin Instant Deep Wrinkle Filler (7% Concentrate)
It's a proprietary combination of natural agents designed to reduce the appearance of both deep wrinkles and fine lines. Apply it directly to "problem areas" such as the deep creases between your eyebrows, at the corners of your eyes, around the lips, and along the folds between your nose and mouth. You can immediately see a visible difference because the gel-like texture fills in the wrinkles and folds. It plumps the skin so that the lines are less noticeable. It may not be too appropriate to put foundation or powder onto the face after using this product, the sticky residue may leave your makeup uneven.
When I check out the ingredient list of this filler, there is a high percentage of gum used in this product. No wonder the texture is so much like a glue and provide a binding effect on wrinkles.
這支深度去皺霜/瞬間無痕膠能讓肌膚看起來更加柔滑細緻和緊實,讓細紋不明顯。蘊含多種活膚植物精萃,令肌膚變得柔滑、細緻和有彈性。當我翻看它的成份表, 發現當中使用的膠質比例很重, 所以有封鎖/ 黏貼的效果, 令細紋立刻變得不太明顯。不適合用後化粧, 會令粧容不均勻。
Estee Lauder Perfectionist Targeted Deep Wrinkle Filler
This concentrated treatment helps skin to amplify its natural production of redensifying collagen with concentrated levels of Peptides. It gives you the power to fill, smooth and help reduce the look of fine lines and wrinkles. The texture of this products is totally different from StriVectin Instant Deep Wrinkle Filler. It is a highly concentrated cream to make fine lines less noticeable. Please try not to put foundation or powder after using this wrinkle filler, this may leave your makeup uneven and flaky.
這支智慧多元平紋急救筆是非常濃縮保養品,能立即改善所有類型的深層紋路包括微笑紋、深層抬頭紋、眉頭紋以及眼周與唇周細紋。豐厚的質地能填補皺紋,使肌膚更為平滑。此外,亦具胜肽促進細胞和膠原蛋白增生。不太適合用後化粧, 會令粧容不均勻。若要粧容均勻, 除非使用份量極少以及再塗上一層乳液作遮隔。
The highly concentrated texture of both products refines texture of the skin and visibly softens fine lines temporarily by covering up the problematic areas. It actually takes time for the main ingredients such as peptides
to target on the wrinkles.
以上的兩種產品之所以達到即時去皺效果全因掩眼法, 若要有真正效果必須要持之以恆, 讓產品內的主要去皺成份慢慢發揮功效。
Sunday, January 16, 2011
We People (Taiwan Jan 2011)
I have just received the press release from We People magazine in Taiwan several minutes ago. Let me post them in my blog now!
剛收到台灣We People (東西名人)給我的報導, 我就把它放在這個部落格吧!
剛收到台灣We People (東西名人)給我的報導, 我就把它放在這個部落格吧!
Cellulite Treatment
Shiro's restaurant is consistently on most Los Angeles top ten lists of best resraurants. Their homemade ravioli in a light cream sauce with generous truffle shavings was just amazing. It's time to think of dieting after all these great food.
這碟松露意大利雲吞是我近期的最愛,雲吞皮很嫩滑,餡料和醬汁充滿松露香味。Shiro's 不愧為L.A.十大餐廳之一。美食容易令脂肪在身體囤積, 以下一些療程可有助舒緩這個問題。
Essentially a female phenomenon, cellulite develops in the most superficial of the subcutaneous fat layers. As the fat cells grow, the envelope containing them loses its shape and pulls on their anchoring points to give the skin the 'orange peel' appearance that we know as cellulite. Unlike other forms of fat, cellulite is not responsive to physical exercise or to slimming diets even slim women have cellulite. Fortunately, cellulite can be removed with heat and/or massage.
女性最常遇到橙皮紋問題。人體皮膚包括 3 層組織:表皮層、真皮層及皮下脂肪層 。食物受分解後的多餘脂肪,大部分會被送至皮下脂肪層儲存。橙皮紋形成的原因有很多,例如體內荷爾蒙失調、脂肪細胞新陳代謝減慢,影響血液循環及淋巴循環系統,氧氣、營養等不能送到細胞內,也不能排出水分與廢物。結果令細胞變硬並以倍數脹大,結締組織收縮,以至微血管受壓,形成凹凸不平的外觀,看似橙皮狀的皮膚表面,稱為橙皮紋。肥胖或纖瘦的人亦有機會有橙皮紋, 一般改善橙皮紋療程以熱力和按摩為主。
LPG Treatment
LPG 的物理性滾軸刺激 ,啟動深層的細胞反應,促進脂肪分解。內置的運動模式具備修身功能,刺激脂肪細胞的新陳代謝之外,更可活化脂肪消除過程。亦具備塑身功能,能刺激皮層製做更多彈力蛋白及骨膠原,重塑女性體態,並可磨平凹凸不平的橙皮紋組織,令皮膚看起來更光滑和緊緻。這是唯一被美國FDA認證Endermologie活膚科技,確保有效改善橙皮紋。
Home Use Honeybelle Body Buffer
The HoneyBelle® bodybuffer’s patented oscillating technology uses micro and macro mechanical forces to effectively improve the feel and appearance of cellulite in the comfort and privacy of your own home.
The random high frequency oscillation improves blood flow to the treated areas, helps remove toxins and edema (swelling) in the adipose or fatty tissue, and helps stretch the fibrous arches or inner walls of the skin, allowing it to rebound to its normal smooth appearance. The results are almost immediate. Most will feel a difference in the lumpiness of their cellulite after only a few uses.
Honeybelle Body Buffer瘦身震動儀,震動頻率經由吸管傳送至脂肪細胞,有效速進新陳代謝,阻止脂肪囤積。脂肪與多餘 水份排出體外、並有效將肌肉收緊。細小的家用儀器,能隨時隨地在家享受療程,增加私隱度。
這碟松露意大利雲吞是我近期的最愛,雲吞皮很嫩滑,餡料和醬汁充滿松露香味。Shiro's 不愧為L.A.十大餐廳之一。美食容易令脂肪在身體囤積, 以下一些療程可有助舒緩這個問題。
Essentially a female phenomenon, cellulite develops in the most superficial of the subcutaneous fat layers. As the fat cells grow, the envelope containing them loses its shape and pulls on their anchoring points to give the skin the 'orange peel' appearance that we know as cellulite. Unlike other forms of fat, cellulite is not responsive to physical exercise or to slimming diets even slim women have cellulite. Fortunately, cellulite can be removed with heat and/or massage.
女性最常遇到橙皮紋問題。人體皮膚包括 3 層組織:表皮層、真皮層及皮下脂肪層 。食物受分解後的多餘脂肪,大部分會被送至皮下脂肪層儲存。橙皮紋形成的原因有很多,例如體內荷爾蒙失調、脂肪細胞新陳代謝減慢,影響血液循環及淋巴循環系統,氧氣、營養等不能送到細胞內,也不能排出水分與廢物。結果令細胞變硬並以倍數脹大,結締組織收縮,以至微血管受壓,形成凹凸不平的外觀,看似橙皮狀的皮膚表面,稱為橙皮紋。肥胖或纖瘦的人亦有機會有橙皮紋, 一般改善橙皮紋療程以熱力和按摩為主。
LPG Treatment
Endermologie is the science of cell stimulation developed by LPG. The endermologist glides a hand-held module with a gentle suction and massaging action over the body. Endermologie has many therapeutic uses. This painless treatment produces a feeling of well-being and relaxation. The skin is rejuvenated. Injured or exhausted muscles recover and heal quickly. The silhouette of the body can be re-shaped. Changes in the contours are controlled so that a decrease in volume only occurs where needed.
LPG 的物理性滾軸刺激 ,啟動深層的細胞反應,促進脂肪分解。內置的運動模式具備修身功能,刺激脂肪細胞的新陳代謝之外,更可活化脂肪消除過程。亦具備塑身功能,能刺激皮層製做更多彈力蛋白及骨膠原,重塑女性體態,並可磨平凹凸不平的橙皮紋組織,令皮膚看起來更光滑和緊緻。這是唯一被美國FDA認證Endermologie活膚科技,確保有效改善橙皮紋。
Home Use Honeybelle Body Buffer
The HoneyBelle® bodybuffer’s patented oscillating technology uses micro and macro mechanical forces to effectively improve the feel and appearance of cellulite in the comfort and privacy of your own home.
The random high frequency oscillation improves blood flow to the treated areas, helps remove toxins and edema (swelling) in the adipose or fatty tissue, and helps stretch the fibrous arches or inner walls of the skin, allowing it to rebound to its normal smooth appearance. The results are almost immediate. Most will feel a difference in the lumpiness of their cellulite after only a few uses.
Honeybelle Body Buffer瘦身震動儀,震動頻率經由吸管傳送至脂肪細胞,有效速進新陳代謝,阻止脂肪囤積。脂肪與多餘 水份排出體外、並有效將肌肉收緊。細小的家用儀器,能隨時隨地在家享受療程,增加私隱度。
Thursday, January 13, 2011
Soften Dry Skin in Winter
Soften Dry Skin in Winter
While I am enjoying my stay in this spectacular hotel, I spend some time to share my beauty tips in my personal blog.
Harsh winter weather is tough on skin, and you need to take extra care to stand against the aggressiveness of cold weather. Some of the moisturizers may not be enough for keeping your skin supple and soft for a long period of time. Extra products are needed to enhance the water holding abilities of the moisturizers.
You may need to combine both occlusives and humectants to enhance the moisturizing effect.
你需要濕潤的補濕產品外, 也需要封密水份的密封劑。
What is occlusive?
Egyptian Magic All Purpose Skin Cream
It is an all-natural healing skin cream made from bees wax, propolis and other natural ingredients. It improves your complexion, heals scars, relieves many skin ailments, leaves your hair with a lustrous sheen, and more. As you can see from the picture, the texture is quite thick. I like to use it as an occlusive to my moisturizer.
Egyptian Magic All Purpose Skin Cream是全天然的多用途護膚霜, 蘊合蜂蠟和蜂膠等天然成份。 它能滋潤和更生肌膚, 而且更能舒緩輕微割傷及燙傷,消除紅腫,減退痘痘疤痕,亮澤頭髮等。 質感豐厚, 我喜歡以以下方法軟化和滋潤肌膚, 為肌膚進行「保水」。
Use it when your skin is chapped or flaky. Ideal to slather it all over the face on overnight flights to keep skin hydrated.
謹記不用經常使用, 可在肌膚乾燥繃緊或乘搭長途機時使用。
1. Apply your moisturizer onto your skin. Moisturizer acts as humectants and moisturizes your skin.
2. Take a small amout of magic cream and rub into your palm until it takes the form of oil.
把適當(一亳硬幣)份量塗於掌心, 把雙手揉搓令護膚霜被肌膚吸收變成透明狀。
3. Press your palm onto treated area gently. The magic cream acts as occlusives to act as a barrier to keep the water holding abilities of the moisturizers.
While I am enjoying my stay in this spectacular hotel, I spend some time to share my beauty tips in my personal blog.
Harsh winter weather is tough on skin, and you need to take extra care to stand against the aggressiveness of cold weather. Some of the moisturizers may not be enough for keeping your skin supple and soft for a long period of time. Extra products are needed to enhance the water holding abilities of the moisturizers.
寒冷天氣令肌膚乾燥繃緊, 「保水」比「補水」更重要 。
你需要濕潤的補濕產品外, 也需要封密水份的密封劑。
What is occlusive?
Occlusive blocks water from evaporating from skin cells. These ingredients are often greasy and are most effective when applied to damp skin.
密封劑 (Occlusives) - 油性鎖水成分,主要作用將皮膚表面密封起來,防止水分蒸發。
What is humectant?
Humectants attract water from the dermis into epidermis, and increases the water content in the epidermis. It draws more water toward the surface of the skin from inner layers.
濕潤劑 (Humectants)- 親水性保濕成分,功能為吸水補充角質層中的水分,改善角質缺水的現象。
密封劑 (Occlusives) - 油性鎖水成分,主要作用將皮膚表面密封起來,防止水分蒸發。
What is humectant?
Humectants attract water from the dermis into epidermis, and increases the water content in the epidermis. It draws more water toward the surface of the skin from inner layers.
濕潤劑 (Humectants)- 親水性保濕成分,功能為吸水補充角質層中的水分,改善角質缺水的
Egyptian Magic All Purpose Skin Cream
It is an all-natural healing skin cream made from bees wax, propolis and other natural ingredients. It improves your complexion, heals scars, relieves many skin ailments, leaves your hair with a lustrous sheen, and more. As you can see from the picture, the texture is quite thick. I like to use it as an occlusive to my moisturizer.
Egyptian Magic All Purpose Skin Cream是全天然的多用途護膚霜, 蘊合蜂蠟和蜂膠等天然成份。 它能滋潤和更生肌膚, 而且更能舒緩輕微割傷及燙
Use it when your skin is chapped or flaky. Ideal to slather it all over the face on overnight flights to keep skin hydrated.
謹記不用經常使用, 可在肌膚乾燥繃緊或乘搭長途機時使用。
1. Apply your moisturizer onto your skin. Moisturizer acts as humectants and moisturizes your skin.
2. Take a small amout of magic cream and rub into your palm until it takes the form of oil.
把適當(一亳硬幣)份量塗於掌心, 把雙手揉搓令護膚霜被肌膚吸收變成透明狀。
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
Flawless natural skin with no heavy makeup
Flawless natural skin with no heavy makeup
自然裸妝塑做亮麗完美肌膚 (不用濃厚粉底)
Everyone wants to have flawless skin, however, no one is perfect. Makeup is the usual way to camouflage all imperfections.
自然裸妝塑做亮麗完美肌膚 (不用濃厚粉底)
Everyone wants to have flawless skin, however, no one is perfect. Makeup is the usual way to camouflage all imperfections.
Make up does not have to be overdone. The below system of applying makeup for a natural look is fast and easy when you get the hang of it. Here are some of my tips that you can do on a daily basis to achieve a clean, natural look.
每人都希望擁有無瑕肌膚, 所以經常靠化妝遮蓋臉上瑕玼。其實不用繁複的步驟或濃厚的妝容令肌膚完美亮麗, 只要選對適合的產品便可以簡單的方法達到最佳效果。朋友經常問我為何沒有塗粉底但皮膚卻看似不錯, 以下產品絕對功不可沒。日常我不愛塗粉底或有顏色碎粉, 卻會選用以下三種法寶:-
每人都希望擁有無瑕肌膚, 所以經常靠化妝遮蓋臉上瑕玼。其實不用繁複的步驟或濃厚的妝容令肌膚完美亮麗, 只要選對適合的產品便可以簡單的方法達到最佳效果。朋友經常問我為何沒有塗粉底但皮膚卻看似不錯, 以下產品絕對功不可沒。日常我不愛塗粉底或有顏色碎粉, 卻會選用以下三種法寶:-
My three essentials:-
Laura Mercier Loose Setting Powder (Translucent)
There are days that you don't want to put foundation onto your skin, and you still want to achieve a natural look without looking shiny after applying your daily cream. Try this Laura Mercier Loose Setting Powder. I prefer to use translucent powder over the other colour to get a natural look.
This powder is an extremely lightweight, sheer and silky setting powder that contains the finest French "cashmere" talc and a unique light-reflecting ingredient that creates a "soft-focus" appearance for fine lines and imperfections.
Laura Mercier 透明碎粉
能有效吸走肌膚表面多餘油分, 避免油光滿面, 還有助改善肌膚的細緻感, 修飾毛孔。質地輕盈, 具透薄的遮蓋作用及明亮的柔焦效果。加上透明的碎粉比一般有顏色的碎粉易控制, 掃上肌膚後感覺均勻且有高度透明感, 沒有不貼服浮粉感覺。
Laura Mercier 透明碎粉
能有效吸走肌膚表面多餘油分, 避免油光滿面, 還有助改善肌膚的細緻感, 修飾毛孔。質地輕盈, 具透薄的遮蓋作
Yves Saint Laurent TOUCHE ÉCLAT Radiant Touch
A luminizing pen that brings light and radiance to the skin, immediately erases any signs of fatigue, and brightens the complexion. With a few strategically placed strokes of TOUCHE ÉCLAT, the complexion immediately looks rested, rejuvenated, and radiant. TOUCHE ÉCLAT widens eyes when used between the eyebrows and along the sides of the nose, and creates fuller looking lips when used in the hollow of the chin and around the contour of the lips. Your skin looks so perfect with this magic wand.
Together with Laura Mercier translucent powder to achieve a natural look in 3-4 minutes.
YSL 亮彩筆
亮彩筆的掃頭設計, 使用極為方便。只需輕掃幾筆於顴骨位置, 即時令面部輪廓細緻分別。亦可塗抺於眼眉下,以及眼部四周,能眼妝更鮮明突出。具輕微遮瑕作用, 可掃於虎紋或嘴角範圍平均色素。質地輕絕不為肌膚帶來負擔。
在臉上掃少許亮彩液於局部位置再撲上Laura Mercier的透明碎粉, 只需3-4分鐘便達到無妝感透亮肌膚。
YSL 亮彩筆
亮彩筆的掃頭設計, 使用極為方便。只需輕掃幾筆於顴骨位置, 即時令面部輪廓細緻分別。亦可塗抺於眼眉下,以及眼部四周,能眼妝更鮮明突出。具輕微遮瑕作用, 可掃於虎紋或嘴角範圍平均色素。質地輕絕不為肌膚帶來負擔。
在臉上掃少許亮彩液於局部位置再撲上Laura Mercier的透明碎粉, 只需3-4分鐘便達到無妝感透亮肌膚。
Shiseido Maquillage Liquid Concealer Pen
I love to use this to touch up my freckles and imperfections. You can use this concealer to conceal dark eye circles, but it may not be sufficient if your dark shadows are too serious.This concealer has a slightly luminous finish and and it blends effortlessly.
Shiseido Maquillage 液質遮瑕筆
You don't need to use the all three products together. Just use them whenever you need them to achieve a natural healthy look. All these products are light weight and highly transparent, and it may not be suitable to conceal imperfections which are too apparent and serious.
假若色斑和色素不均的情況太明顯, 以上的產品可能不太適合。
假若色斑和色素不均的情況太明顯, 以上的產品可能不太適合。
Sky white top with crystal necklace
Friday, January 7, 2011
Effective Dark Eye Circles and Eye Bags Treatment
Effective Dark Eye Circles and Eye Bags Treatment
Alain Ducasse is known for his incomparable French cuisine and his innovative dining concepts, and without a doubt one of the world’s most decorated chefs. This restaurant -Mix features contemporary and classic French and American dishes with global accents.
今天有幸到法國名廚Alain Ducasse其下的餐廳晚膳。
As you can see from my picture, I was fully exhausted after my long haul flight. My eyes were swollen and eye bags were so visible. Thanks to the below products to soothe the problems.
從相片得知乘搭長途機後, 我的雙眼很勞累。 眼袋相對變得顯現. 幸好有以下急救方法。
Loreal Collagen Micro-Vibration Eye Care System
This two step skincare system is a vibrating anti-ageing treatment to combat dark circles and eye bags. Enriched with Peptido Complex to hepl diminish dark pigments and reduce the apperances of dark cirlces. Collagen Biospheres to smoothe the apperance of crows feet. Compatible with a vibrating roller with gentle mirco - pulsations to encourage the blood circulation. The mini vibrating roller contains a disposable batery and ready to use once the button is switched on.
Loreal 膠原眼霜連按摩器
蘊含胜肽和膠原微球體減淡黑眼圈和趕走幼紋。 開啓開關掣後按摩器會自動震動, 加速精華滲透和血液循環。
Zensation Eye Massager (official launch -March 2011)
For refreshment and relief of tired eyes. It has an oval shaped massage head which is ideal for the use on eye contour area. This massager vibrates automatically when contacting the treated area, and ceases when essence or cream is being fully absorbed by the skin. Galvanic Ion and ultrasonic promotes the penetration of essences deep into the skin, thus helps reduce fine lines and wrinkles. The vibrating action increases blood circulation and diminishes water retention to soothe visible eye bags and dark circles.
Zensation 眼部離子按摩去皺儀
眼部離子按摩去皺儀是利用離子原理, 用其產生負離子電流, 把保養品的珍貴精華注入皮膚底層。 配合微震動按摩去除眼部浮腫。 當導入按摩探頭接觸肌膚便自動開啓運作. 待保養品被肌膚完全吸收後便停止操作。
Zensation Supertripeptide Enhancer 10%
I usually avoid heavy eye creams to prevent eye puffiness. Zensation Supertripeptide Enhancer is another alternative to eye cream. It is a light weight oil free serum. It smoothes mimic wrinkles in a short period of time. The enhancer also contains Pentylene Glycol to improve the water-binding capability of the skin and increase the degree of hydration.
Zensation 極濃緊緻導入精華液
若使用油膩的眼霜會令眼部加重負擔, 造成浮腫和眼袋. 極濃緊緻導入精華液質地水凝, 另蘊含獨特抗皺元素-三胜肽,能促進膠原蛋白細胞增生,阻隔肌肉與神經傳導,舒緩臉部肌肉收縮,注入肌膚深層更生作用。蘊含高濃度10%三胜肽成份的導入精華液,可24小時持續緊緻,有效預防眼角和臉部細紋產生。
Alain Ducasse is known for his incomparable French cuisine and his innovative dining concepts, and without a doubt one of the world’s most decorated chefs. This restaurant -Mix features contemporary and classic French and American dishes with global accents.
今天有幸到法國名廚Alain Ducasse其下的餐廳晚膳。
As you can see from my picture, I was fully exhausted after my long haul flight. My eyes were swollen and eye bags were so visible. Thanks to the below products to soothe the problems.
從相片得知乘搭長途機後, 我的雙眼很勞累。 眼袋相對變得顯現. 幸好有以下急救方法。
Loreal Collagen Micro-Vibration Eye Care System
This two step skincare system is a vibrating anti-ageing treatment to combat dark circles and eye bags. Enriched with Peptido Complex to hepl diminish dark pigments and reduce the apperances of dark cirlces. Collagen Biospheres to smoothe the apperance of crows feet. Compatible with a vibrating roller with gentle mirco - pulsations to encourage the blood circulation. The mini vibrating roller contains a disposable batery and ready to use once the button is switched on.
Loreal 膠原眼霜連按摩器
蘊含胜肽和膠原微球體減淡黑眼圈和趕走幼紋。 開啓開關掣後按摩器會自動震動, 加速精華滲透和血液循環。
Zensation Eye Massager (official launch -March 2011)
For refreshment and relief of tired eyes. It has an oval shaped massage head which is ideal for the use on eye contour area. This massager vibrates automatically when contacting the treated area, and ceases when essence or cream is being fully absorbed by the skin. Galvanic Ion and ultrasonic promotes the penetration of essences deep into the skin, thus helps reduce fine lines and wrinkles. The vibrating action increases blood circulation and diminishes water retention to soothe visible eye bags and dark circles.
Zensation 眼部離子按摩去皺儀
眼部離子按摩去皺儀是利用離子原理, 用其產生負離子電流, 把保養品的珍貴精華注入皮膚底層。 配合微震動按摩去除眼部浮腫。 當導入按摩探頭接觸肌膚便自動開啓運作. 待保養品被肌膚完全吸收後便停止操作。
Always slide the massager from inner side to outer side of the eyes and prevent back and forth action.
Zensation Supertripeptide Enhancer 10%
I usually avoid heavy eye creams to prevent eye puffiness. Zensation Supertripeptide Enhancer is another alternative to eye cream. It is a light weight oil free serum. It smoothes mimic wrinkles in a short period of time. The enhancer also contains Pentylene Glycol to improve the water-binding capability of the skin and increase the degree of hydration.
Zensation 極濃緊緻導入精華液
若使用油膩的眼霜會令眼部加重負擔, 造成浮腫和眼袋. 極濃緊緻導入精華液質地水凝, 另蘊含獨特抗皺元素-三胜肽,能促進膠原蛋白細胞增生,阻隔肌肉與神經傳導,舒緩臉部肌肉收縮,注入肌膚深層更生作用。蘊含高濃度10%三胜肽成份的導入精華液,可24小時持續緊緻,有效預防眼角和臉部細紋產生。

Tuesday, January 4, 2011
Simple Hand Treatment
Simple Hand Treatment
Hands are the most visible parts of you, and we really need to take good care of them. My friend gave me a wonderful Christmas gift - Crabtree & Evelyn hand cream box set, it is marvelous and lovely! I would like to take this opportunity to introduce an effective hand treatment to everyone of you.
去年聖誕收到了一盒Crabtree & Evelyn的護手霜禮盒,非常別緻,令我想到可介紹一些護手療程給大家。
So lets take a look of what I have right now:-
Crabtree & Evelyn Hand Cream Box Set
This fabulous hand cream collection is made from finest plant derived ingredients, it is a perfect way to keep your hands strong, energized and looking beautiful.
Crabtree & Evelyn護手霜禮盒
Jill Stuart Hand Cream
A rich, yet non-greasy hand lotion with a quick penetrating formula soothes and moisturizes dry or chapped hands. The delightful scent of berries and roses gently perfume hands for a sweet smell that lingers all day long.
Jill Stuart護手霜
Neutrogena Hand CreamThis is my all time favourite. Its highly concentrated formula delivers effective relief for dry, chapped hands. Softens your hands instantly with only one dab.
Super age killing Tripeptide enhancer is an excellent wrinkle active serum. It smoothes mimic wrinkles in a short period. It acts as an antagonist of the muscle nicotinic acetylcholine receptor, blocks Na+ release at the post-synaptic membrance and inhibits muscle contractions. In simple words - diminishes wrinkles in a short period of time. Pentylene Glycol improves the water-binding capability of the skin and increases the degree of hydration. Use as a concentrate to be added in other skincare according to specific needs of your skin. I love to include this amazing product into my hand skincare regimen as below.
Quick Hand Treatment
Hand treatment with the use of heated gloves
Rinse your hands with warm water
Scrub your hands with Zensation Ultra Silky Rose Exfoliating Cream
Rinse off the exfoliating cream
Massage both hands with generous amount of the above hand cream (select one at a time) and a few drops of Zensation Super Tripeptide Essence 10%
Wrap it with plastic gloves
Slip both hands into the heated gloves for 5-10 minutes
Take off the gloves and massage the excess hand cream until it is being fully absorbed
1. 清潔雙手
2. 以『ZENSATION玫瑰淨妍磨砂乳霜』作磨砂
3. 清洗磨砂
4. 以護手霜和幾滴『ZENSATION極濃緊緻導入精華液10%』按摩雙手
5. 以膠手套包裹雙手
6. 再以發熱手套包裹雙手約5-10分鐘
7. 除下手套,手上剩下多餘的精華液可再作手部按摩至完成吸收
Hand treatment with the use of Paraffin Wax
Rinse your hands with warm water
Scrub your hands with Zensation Ultra Silky Rose Exfoliating Cream
Rinse off the exfoliating cream
Massage both hands with generous amount of the above hand cream (select one at a time) and a few drops of Zensation Super Tripeptide Essence 10%
Submerge your hands into the melted Paraffin Wax. Please handle the Paraffin with extra care according to the given instruction guide
Slip both hands into plastic gloves, and wrap with hand mitts for 10 -15 minutes
To remove wax, simply peel it off starting at the wrist. The wax should come off in large sections
Take off the hand mitts and gloves and massage the excess hand cream until it is being fully absorbed
1. 清潔雙手
2. 以『ZENSATION玫瑰淨妍磨砂乳霜』作磨砂
3. 清洗磨砂
4. 以護手霜和幾滴ZENSATION極濃緊緻導入精華液10%按摩雙手
5. 把雙手浸入已溶解的巴拿芬蠟,再以膠手套包裹,套上毛毛手套約15分鐘
6. 把手套連巴拿芬蠟拉出
7. 手上剩下多餘的精華液可再作手部按摩至完成吸收
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