Alain Ducasse is known for his incomparable French cuisine and his innovative dining concepts, and without a doubt one of the world’s most decorated chefs. This restaurant -Mix features contemporary and classic French and American dishes with global accents.
今天有幸到法國名廚Alain Ducasse其下的餐廳晚膳。
As you can see from my picture, I was fully exhausted after my long haul flight. My eyes were swollen and eye bags were so visible. Thanks to the below products to soothe the problems.
從相片得知乘搭長途機後, 我的雙眼很勞累。 眼袋相對變得顯現. 幸好有以下急救方法。
Loreal Collagen Micro-Vibration Eye Care System
This two step skincare system is a vibrating anti-ageing treatment to combat dark circles and eye bags. Enriched with Peptido Complex to hepl diminish dark pigments and reduce the apperances of dark cirlces. Collagen Biospheres to smoothe the apperance of crows feet. Compatible with a vibrating roller with gentle mirco - pulsations to encourage the blood circulation. The mini vibrating roller contains a disposable batery and ready to use once the button is switched on.
Loreal 膠原眼霜連按摩器
蘊含胜肽和膠原微球體減淡黑眼圈和趕走幼紋。 開啓開關掣後按摩器會自動震動, 加速精華滲透和血液循環。
Zensation Eye Massager (official launch -March 2011)
For refreshment and relief of tired eyes. It has an oval shaped massage head which is ideal for the use on eye contour area. This massager vibrates automatically when contacting the treated area, and ceases when essence or cream is being fully absorbed by the skin. Galvanic Ion and ultrasonic promotes the penetration of essences deep into the skin, thus helps reduce fine lines and wrinkles. The vibrating action increases blood circulation and diminishes water retention to soothe visible eye bags and dark circles.
Zensation 眼部離子按摩去皺儀
眼部離子按摩去皺儀是利用離子原理, 用其產生負離子電流, 把保養品的珍貴精華注入皮膚底層。 配合微震動按摩去除眼部浮腫。 當導入按摩探頭接觸肌膚便自動開啓運作. 待保養品被肌膚完全吸收後便停止操作。
Always slide the massager from inner side to outer side of the eyes and prevent back and forth action.
Zensation Supertripeptide Enhancer 10%
I usually avoid heavy eye creams to prevent eye puffiness. Zensation Supertripeptide Enhancer is another alternative to eye cream. It is a light weight oil free serum. It smoothes mimic wrinkles in a short period of time. The enhancer also contains Pentylene Glycol to improve the water-binding capability of the skin and increase the degree of hydration.
Zensation 極濃緊緻導入精華液
若使用油膩的眼霜會令眼部加重負擔, 造成浮腫和眼袋. 極濃緊緻導入精華液質地水凝, 另蘊含獨特抗皺元素-三胜肽,能促進膠原蛋白細胞增生,阻隔肌肉與神經傳導,舒緩臉部肌肉收縮,注入肌膚深層更生作用。蘊含高濃度10%三胜肽成份的導入精華液,可24小時持續緊緻,有效預防眼角和臉部細紋產生。

請問Zensation 眼部離子按摩去皺儀多少錢?
Zensation 眼部離子按摩去皺儀有明顯震動, 透過強力按摩促進血液循環和去水腫
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Dark circles treatment